Paras Chadha

Fix Samsung Vibrant GPS issues

UPDATE: Click me for the official fix from Samsung.

If you were one of the early adopters for the T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant (like myself) then most of you probably noticed the annoying “finding location” message staying on for way too long. Well it appears Apple isn’t the only company that makes mistakes! Unlike Apple’s mistake however there is a software fix, and it is actually fairly easy!

To fix your Samsung Vibrant’s GPS functionality just follow the following steps (I hear it works on other Galaxy S phones as well, but I can’t confirm this).

  1. Go to Settings -> Location & Security
  2. Uncheck “Use Wireless Networks”
  3. Now navigate to the Phone dialer and type: “*#*#1472365#*#*” (No quotes of course)
  4. When you type that you’ll be thrown into the LBSTestMode Menu
  5. Click the “Applications Settings” menu, than switch Operation Mode to “MS Based”
  6. Click back then go into “SUPL/CP Settings” and change the server to: “” and the server port to “7276”
  7. Reboot your phone
  8. Go back to Settings -> Location & Security
  9. Check “Use Wireless Networks”

Now your GPS should be good to go (if Samsung notices this problem and releases a patch, I recomend changing your GPS settings back to the original settings before updating, original settings are listed below).

Original settings:
Operation Mode: Standalone
Port: 7275

If Samsung is to fix this update I’ll make sure I include an update to this post with that information!

Hopefully this fixes the problem most of you have been having, and if my instructions are too difficult let me know and I’ll include a video on how to fix your GPS.