Paras Chadha

Why newer isn’t always better!

Having a smart phone has its positives, but what also comes with the phone, is the risk of having it taken away from you! Expensive phones are always in demand, and muggers are well aware of that, so before they take your wallet or purse they go for your phone. In all likelihood your phone is probably worth more than whatever is in your wallet or purse.

In actuality this video is pretty funny, if I was a mugger and someone handed me that phone I’d be extremely upset. That phone actually looks incredibly similar to the first phone I bought (link). I would take this video as strategy, keep a dummy phone similar to that just in case you are met with a similar scenario.

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  • Pete

    THAT'S EPIC!!!!!!!!

  • James

    definitely switching from my iphone to the moto razr (jk)