Paras Chadha

Future of Screen Technology

Every modern smart phone has an amazing multitouch display. They are getting cheaper and cheaper to build so now we have devices such as the iPad, Galaxy Tab, and more to come. However this is only the beginning, you have to remember this screen technology is extremely new and was just developed within the past few years. Now the video above shows what life will be like in 2014 if the current display trend continues. Now I wouldn’t expect a lifestyle like the one above to appear until much after 2014; although people who read this blog may be open to the idea of having this future, it takes a lot longer for others to adapt to new technology or even accept new technology. For example to this day I still see people using old flip phones and older versions of Windows. When I ask them why they don’t switch I generally get the same answer which is the fact that they don’t like change. However everyday I see more and more people becoming more tech savvy so I do see a day where something like this will become a norm, I just don’t see it happening any time in the near future.

Let me know what you think of the video above! What other things would you like to see happen? What items in the video did you like? What things did you hate?

I’m interested to see what you guys have to say.