Paras Chadha

The iPad 2 is officially the best kitchen device!


The iPad is a wonderful device, I personally bought the iPad 2 on release (expect video coverage soon). One iPad 2 feature surprisingly interested a lot of people, it was the magnetic cover… personally I don’t know why since the technology has been implemented in Blackberry cases for years. Anyway that’s a whole different rant, point is, if you plan on using the iPad 2 in the kitchen while you cook and what not, this is perfect, you can use the SmartCover to attach your iPad to your fridge!

I have seen a few projects to make your kitchen iPad look a bit better if you want a cleaner look (video below) but if you just want to slap something together real quickly, this is definitely an option!

If you have any other creative iPad pictures, feel free to embed them in the comments below or send me an @reply on twitter.

IMG Source: Unknown