Paras Chadha

Palm OS games now on PC thanks to HandCase


HandCase is known for being large in the mobile application world. They have developed apps for Palm OS, Android, iOS, etc. Well now they are taking it one step further by allowing people to run their favorite mobile Palm OS games, on their computers!

Now what does this mean? I for one am an Android and iOS user, I haven’t touched a palm device in years, however HandCase has developed several great applications for Palm OS that I have always wanted to try but couldn’t, but thanks to their emulation technology this is about to change, I can now run those applications I’ve been dying to use on my PC.

Hand-e is the name of their emulation software and they are releasing it 100% free of charge! You are probably wondering though why they are even giving us this option with Palm OS slowly dying off, well according to Ricardo Garay, CEO of Handcase, “For us it will never die, then someone pointed out the legions of gamers who came of platforms which remains faithful. It was the reason we needed.” When you keep that mindset on it all makes sense.

Well what are you waiting for? Go download your favorite HandCase applications!