Paras Chadha

Epic 4G vs EVO 4G

All carriers have one phone that is superior to all others and is the definite buy for any geek, however recently Sprint recently broke this trend by introducing two amazing phones, the HTC EVO 4G and the Samsung Epic 4G. So to help people decide which phone to buy I went ahead and posted the video above to help them decide, figured it would make life easier for the people who aren’t too good with identifying cell phone specifications find the perfect phone for Sprint (remember at the time of this taping not all updates for the Epic 4G are out yet and when these updates are released I’ll be sure to add in updates to this post to help you with your purchase).

Let me know what you think in the comment section below and if you own either one let us know what you love and hate about your phone!

Source: TechnoBuffalo