Paras Chadha

Windows 8: First Look (Video)

Everyone has a preference of which operating system they choose to use, all are great in their own ways. In recent years however (for the consumer market) there has been a decline in Windows and a raise in the use of Mac OS X. For that reason I assume it was obvious that Microsoft needed to create a huge change in Windows to dominate not only the PC market, but the mobile market. Microsoft’s solution: Windows 8.

Screen shot 2011-06-01 at 11.27.51 PM

As you can see in the video above, Windows 8 is heavily focused on putting Windows on the tablet. The main UI is heavily changed to resemble the Metro UI on Windows Phone 7. As of right now I’m not sure whether this is a good or bad thing, since I have a strong feeling it’ll be difficult to operate with a mouse and keyboard (with side scrolling tiles).

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I can see the Windows 8 UI being a good thing in the sense that tiles are much more efficient than icons, so opening apps might not be required anymore. It also seems like you won’t be losing a whole lot of functionality since you can swap to the typical desktop appearance, as you can see at the 3:05 mark.

Anyway I have high hopes for this operating system, I’m pumped to see more during D9.

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