Paras Chadha

Suit with custom iPad Pocket!


If you follow my twitter feed, you’ll notice that earlier I tweeted a joke where this dude had a giant pocket for his iPad, well I was looking around at iPad accessories and came across a company that actually makes custom suits with pockets for iPads. This company is called Mohan Custom Tailors. This company is located in New York so if you’re interested in something like that you know where to go.

Now if you’re a normal person (aka not lazy) you could just carry your iPad or put it in a bag…but apparently there are people out there who find carrying objects to be too much work, I mean you have only been doing that for years with a Laptop. So in all honestly I sent out that tweet as a joke I didn’t think there would actually be a company making stuff like this. Well I guess if you really hate the idea of carrying a bag this is a good buy for you, but seriously I can almost guarantee your baby (iPad) will be okay in your briefcase or bag.


By the way, if this suit actually catches on, that’s our first step towards making the Wall-E world come true, we’ll all end up looking like this pic above if we are too lazy to hold a bag!

Let me know what you think!